Trump Presidency Not Needed for XRP’s Rise

Trump Presidency Not Needed for XRP’s Rise

  • Xena challenges the idea that Trump’s re-election is crucial for XRP.
  • Ripple’s legal victories are more important than U.S. political leadership.
  • Trump’s pro-crypto stance has boosted market confidence, but Xena sees it as unnecessary.

Xena, an influential member of the XRP community debunked the idea that Trump must get re-elected for XRP to succeed. She went on social media to share her views. She points out that trials in the Ripple’s court are more important for the future of XRP. Rather than, the holder of the presidency in the United States.

The large number of supporters for Trump in the community has raised increased hope. A hope in the possibility of the XRP benefiting from Trump’s strong pro crypto moves. They mention that his speech on June 2024 that triggered the Bitcoin and the altcoins such as XRP to rise. The incumbent president also voiced more friendly policies. Policies towards crypto if he is to again be elected for a second term.

However, Xena was quick to note that both Trump’s and Biden’s tenures had not been disruptive in Ripple’s context. She quoted Ripple chairman Chris Larsen, who said that neither administration has aided the crypto market. Before the recent win in the lawsuit, Xena noted Ripple is well positioned to move forward no matter which of the two next presidents.

Another community member, Chad Steingraber also shares the opinion stating that Trump’s comeback may take XRP to $40. However, Xena cleared this as a myth, as she believes that XRP has already set off to become the coin of the future.


Deepshove is a crypto journalist at Bitmala, covering blockchain and cryptocurrency news with a focus on web3 trends and developments.
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