Telegram rejects all accusations following the arrest of its founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, at a Paris airport. This past Saturday, the French Police detained Durov when he landed from Azerbaijan in his private jet. A police investigation reportedly resulted in his arrest. The main question under inquiry is whether Telegram’s content filtering guidelines permitted unlawful activity. This includes connections to human trafficking and terrorism. Mr. Durov has dual citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates but has not faced any charges.
Know detailed news through our previous news article: Telegram Founder & CEO Pavel Durov Arrested in France
Telegram Defends Platform and Durov
The texting app defended the way it modifies messages. It stated that it correctly complies with both EU requirements and the Digital Services Act (DSA). The business wrote on X, criticizing the notion that Durov or the platform was to accountable for user misconduct. It emphasized that platform moderation is improving daily and that it is carried out in compliance with industry norms.

French Authorities Extend Detention
The investigating judge extended Durov’s detention up to 96 hours Sunday, which might be an indication of the seriousness of the investigation. On this regard, the Russian Embassy in Paris urged for explanation from the French authorities while claiming that it is necessary to ensure respect for the rights of Durov.
This step underscores a strong commitment to comply with EU regulations while at the same time distancing itself from claims of platform misuse. As the investigation unfolds, the situation still stokes debates about what tech platforms are held liable for when it comes to the moderation of content or protecting user privacy.
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