In a wild turn of events, Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan is now the face of not one, but three memecoins, created just 72 hours after a recent attack on the actor in Mumbai. Yep, you read that right—crypto bros wasted no time turning this into a digital trend.
These coins popped up on, a platform where anyone can make a token about literally anything. The first one, Justice for Saif Ali Khan (Khan), has a market cap of $7.4K and has sparked 28 posts from users rallying behind the actor.
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The second coin, Saif Ali Khan Al Robot (SaifKhanAI), also sits at $7.4K, combining his name with a nod to AI tech—because why not? Lastly, there’s another Justice for Saif Ali Khan (Saif) coin with the same $7.4K market cap but way less hype so far.
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While these coins probably won’t hit Dogecoin or Shiba Inu status, they’re proof that crypto culture moves at the speed of memes. From Bollywood dramas to politics, like Trump’s recent TRUMP coin, anything can be turned into a digital asset. For now, Saif’s memecoins are a quirky mix of fan support and Gen Z humor in the ever-random world of crypto.