On the 19th of August, 2024 Kaspa made a remarkable development in its network capabilities. It announced the “Crescendo” hard-forked roadmap. Shortly after the effective implementation of Rusty Kaspa (RK) node software, the Kaspa Network rapidly adopted it.
It led to miners using RK nodes for about 97% of Kaspa blocks. It shows a rampant acceptance by the Kaspa network. The transition will be able to increase the block rate of the network from 1 to 10 blocks-per-second(BPS).

Roadmap to the hard-fork
The official Kaspa account specifies some key phases in the process of this significant change. They are mentioned below:
Launch & stabilize
Launch a testnet with the desired block rate and related network settings, and work on stabilizing it. TN11, the existing 10-BPS Kaspa testnet allowed to accomplish it. It has been operational since January 7, 2024. (Done)
Identify bottlenecks
Iteratively identify processing bottlenecks and make performance optimizations to lower the hardware specifications required for running a node. (Done)
Iterative improvement
Repeat the above until the minimal specs are affordable enough. Also, low enough to satisfy the decentralization required for the mainnet. (We are here, getting close to the convergence of this optimization loop. Approximate timeline: ~2 months from now.)
Enhanced user experience
After settling performance requirements. The team perfects the node software to the level of user experience required by mainnet operators. They address some minor problems that can be neglected in a testnet setting (~3 months from now). (Next)
Additional features
Implement any additional hardfork features and deploy them on TN11. (Target timeline: ~4–5 months from now. Some features might be excluded to fit the timeline.)
Feature freeze
Hardfork version
Implement the hardfork transitioning version
Deploy transition testnet
Deploy the transition version on TN10 (1 BPS testnet) to simulate the mainnet transition.
Mainnet deployment with hardfork transitioning activated 1–2 months later
With the unveiling of the “Crescendo” hard fork Kaspa aims to gain accelerated transaction handling. It also ensures network stability and security.
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